I will praise you, Lord, among the Nations; I will sing of you among the peoples
Worship team Onboarding Process
The onboarding process here at The Well is split up into four basic steps. The interest form, the open house, the video audition and shadowing. This is a lengthy process but for good reason. We take seriously our offering of Worship to God and want to invite you into that same heart posture. Although it is a big commitment it truly is very rewarding, so we look forward to walking this process out with you.
Video Audition
Interest Form
Open House
interest form
Step 1
NOTE: Please allow up to two weeks for a follow up connection. You will be receiving a call from one of our Worship Leaders, who will walk you through Step 2. Thank you again so much for your time.
open house
Step 2
After You complete the worship team interest form one of our Worship leaders will reach out to you and invite you to an Open House.
Open House is designed for community and questions. You will come be a part of a rehearsal where You will get to see the flow of how we rehearse together, You will get to see what level of preparedness you'll need to show up with and maybe even get to see how we navigate challenges. Our hope is that in this time we can give you a very open look at our culture and remove the veil of what goes on behind the scenes. Open House will take place once a month. We aim to meet every third Saturday morning at the Springfield Campus at 7:30am.
Video Audition
Step 3
When auditioning the important thing to note is that we are not looking for perfection on your audition. We are simply looking to see ability and to see if you are ready to join the team. We want to position you for success.
The Song:
We ask all Female vocalists to audition to What A Beautiful Name. - Hillsong
We ask all Male Vocalists to audition to Gratitude. - Brandon Lake
We ask all Drummers & Bassists to audition to With Everything. - Hillsong
We ask all Acoustic & Electric Guitarists to audition to Egypt. - Cory Asbury
We ask all Pianists to audition to King Of Kings. - Brooke Ligertwood
We have provided some basic resources for you to use as you audition. To use these recourses you will need to download them to a computer.
The third step in this onboarding process is the actual audition portion. Here at The Well we audition through video. We ask that all potential team members record a video of themselves auditioning to the approved resources and upload it to Youtube as an unlisted video. Once uploaded share it to all three of these emails:
We have provided resources below as well as a step by step video on how to record, upload and email your audition video.
Step 4
Shadowing is your last and final step of the onboarding process. This time consists of a minimum of two rehearsals that is scheduled at your leisure. When you want shadow it should be communicated and arranged with your Campus Worship Leader. That way we can make sure a volunteer is scheduled with you.
The purpose of shadowing is to "be a fly on the wall" of the position you will be serving in. You will be on platform with the volunteer you are scheduled with throughout the entire rehearsal. During this time you will get to see how our team sets up gear and prepares their instrument. You will see how we approach songs and communicate work together as a team to reach our best. The volunteer is there and available to answer any questions you may have.
The great part of this step in the process is that it's totally dependent on you. You can shadow as long as you want to until you say you're ready and have gotten the approval of the Campus Worship Leader to start getting rostered.
Why we worship.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
Romans 12:1
Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heaven! Praise him for his mighty works; praise his unequaled greatness!
Psalm 150:1-2
Oh come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
Psalm 95:1-2